introduction to marketing, role of marketing, fun icebreaker, quiz
Teaching Notes
- Overview: This is a marketing trivia quiz for students to complete, primarily as an icebreaker or introduction to marketing in the early week/s of classes. This is an exercise that should be run early in a marketing course, both as an icebreaker, and to help stimulate discussion on key topics such as brand and innovation, as some of the correct answers could be unexpected by students.
- Teaching Level: Basic/introductory – primarily designed for students with limited knowledge of marketing.
- Suggested Structure: Ideally, this quiz should be structured as a small group exercise where teams can work together and get to know each other. This is a good exercise to use when group members are new to each other.
- Approximate Timing: Probably should look to allow around 15 minutes, because there are 20 questions to complete, plus further time should be allowed for interactions and rapport building within the group.
Please note that a variation of this activity can be played online on Kahoot, please visit the Kahoot Marketing Trivia Quiz page on this website.
Review the activity below or download the PDF student worksheet
- Student Worksheet: Marketing Trivia Quiz
- Instructor Solutions (Members Only): Marketing Trivia Quiz = Solutions
Student Quiz Activity
Marketing Trivia Quiz
1 = According to brand equity calculations, which is the more valuable brand – Coke or Pepsi?
Coke | Pepsi |
2 = Throughout the world, which company has the larger sales revenue $’s – Coca-Cola or PepsiCo?
Coca-Cola | PepsiCo |
3 = In what year was Coca-Cola launched in the US market?
1886 | 1906 | 1926 | 1946 |
4 = Around how many different product items does Nestle (candy bars and many other product lines) sell EACH day in the world?
10 million | 100 million | 1 billion | 10 billion |
5 = Approximately how many different/unique products are listed for sale on Amazon?
6 million | 60 million | 600 million | 6 billion |
6 = Which is the most popular search engine in the world?
Bing | Yahoo | Find It Fast |
7 = Which is the most popular search engine in China?
Baidu | Youdao | Sogou |
8 = In what year was the first Apple iPhone launched?
2005 | 2007 | 2009 | 2011 |
9 = In what year was Facebook founded?
2000 | 2004 | 2008 | 2012 |
10 = What % of all worldwide advertising is through Google and Facebook?
5% | 15% | 25% | 35% |
11 = What does it cost to run one 30 second TV ad during the Superbowl (American football)?
$1m (USD) | $3m (USD) | $5m (USD) | $7m (USD) |
12 = Which was the first public US company ever to be valued at more than 1 trillion (USD)?
Apple | Amazon | McDonalds |
13 = Whose logo is this?

AT&T | Acme Corp | Adidas | Airbnb |
14 =Whose logo is this?

Tesla | Nissan | Toyota | Mazda |
15 = Which brand uses the tag-line “Just Do It”?
Red Bull | Adidas | Subway | Nike |
16 = Which one is NOT part of the 4P’s of marketing?
Product | Place | Price | People |
17 = In which country is it a “tradition” to go to KFC on Christmas Day?
Japan | Mexico | USA | Morocco |
18 = Which famous toy store chain went bankrupt in 2018?
Lego | KiddyLand | Rebel Sports | Toys R Us |
19 = In what year was the microwave oven for HOME use launched onto the market for the first time?
1955 | 1965 | 1975 | 1985 |
20 = Which company invented the first digital camera and in what year?
Kodak in 1975 | Canon in 1985 | Sony in 1995 | Apple in 2005 |
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