New Product Process

Inept to the Evoked Brand Set (Case Study)

The launch of the Mother Energy brand generated many first-time sales, there were only limited repeat purchases, primarily due to the poor taste of the product. As a result, the brand was placed into the inept set by the majority of target market consumers. As a result, Coca-Cola had to decide what to do with this poor performing brand.

Inept to the Evoked Brand Set (Case Study) Review the Teaching Activity

New Product Concept Generation Using Creativity

This is a creativity exercise where students sort through forced relationships of flavors and product categories in order to identify potential new product ideas for snack foods. It should be a relatively fun and enjoyable exercise for students, as well as demonstrating a good technique for finding new product ideas in a cluttered and crowded market.

New Product Concept Generation Using Creativity Review the Teaching Activity

Different Firms – Different Research?

Sometimes a firm’s particular characteristics (or marketing situation) will influence their choice of the most appropriate marketing research design (as this activity will demonstrate). The task in this activity is to match the type of market testing research to the firm most likely to conduct it.

Different Firms – Different Research? Review the Teaching Activity

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