CB Digital Escape Room Q5

So far, I’m really impressed – you know your consumer behavior.

As you most likely know, related to the new product process is purchase involvement – check out this newspaper clipping…

For each of these types of products, do you think (that for MOST consumers) that the purchase would be a HIGH or LOW purchase involvement one?

  1. A major international vacation
  2. A new car
  3. A haircut
  4. A gift for a wedding
  5. A purchase at a fast food restaurant
  6. The choice of a restaurant for a special occasion
  7. Pens, paper and stationery
  8. A new pet for the family
  9. Pet food
  10. A new smart phone
  11. A new phone app
  12. A candy bar

Code Hint

Simply enter the letter ‘H’ or ‘L’ for high or low – and please use UPPER case letter this time – NO spaces between letters.

Enter Your Code Below

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